
Monday, September 8, 2014

Other Voucher in tally

Credit Note:
Credit Note is a document issued to a party stating that you are crediting their Account in your Books of Accounts for the stated reason or vise versa.  It is commonly used in case of Sales Returns, Escalation/De-escalation in price etc.

Debit Note
Debit Note is a document issued to a party stating that you are debiting their Account in your Books of Accounts for the stated reason or vise versa.   It is commonly used in case of Purchase Returns, Escalation/De-escalation in price, any other expenses incurred by you on behalf of the party etc. 

Receipt Note Voucher
This voucher type is used for recording goods received from the supplier.In case of Purchase bill is not receive and goods chalan is receiving this voucher is create.

Delivery Note Voucher
The Delivery Note Voucher is used for recording goods delivered to a customer.
this voucher is created in the sales bill is not created and only chalan for sale is isue

Manufacturing Journal
This voucher is created when you firm create new goods from existing goods 

Sales Voucher

Sales Voucher is used to record the Sales transactions of the company. You can pass an entry using the Voucher mode or the Invoice mode where the calculations can be automated and the transactions can be fed into the system easily. In Sales Voucher you can also choose class for special feature like automatically divided the total amount to the different account like sale and vat or other account where you want to kept it and also tract the additional cost and many more.

to create sales voucher go to
Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8:Sales

to create the class of the sales voucher 
Go to 
Gateway of tally > Accounting info> voucher type >alter sales voucher
In excluding Group 
select the group which group you doesn't want to selected at the recording sales voucher
In Including Group 
select the group which group you want to selected at the recording sales voucher
this step help to remove misplacement of party name while selling the goods

Default Account to allocation all item in invoice
the account in which you want to kept the all amount of item from this you couldn't select the ledger at the time of recording sales voucher if you want to kept in 2 or more account then select the account  you want to kept

Note: In ATI Bill vat are included in the price of all item so in this bill we can choose sale account and Vat account which helps to separated the vat and sales account automatically .

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Purchase Voucher

Purchase voucher is used to record the Purchase transactions of the company. The entry can be passed using the Voucher mode or the Invoice mode where the calculations can be automated and the user can experience the ease of feeding the transactions into the system.

To create Purchase voucher 
Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers >F9:Purchase

For example, if you are purchasing goods from Supplier A for a value of Rs. 10000/-
a) Debit Purchase Account
b) Credit Party Account

you can also user the item invoice to purchase voucher as invoice  mode 

in item invoice you can use the item name rate and total amount 

Journal Vouchers

Journal Vouchers are used to adjust the debit and credit amounts without involving the cash or bank accounts. Hence, they are referred to as adjustment entries.
 In this voucher you can record the accounting treatment which is can not record in any other voucher in tally they can simply record in this voucher

1. whats come in 
2. Loss and expenses
3. Receiver 

1. Whats Goes out
2. Profit and Income
3. Giver

Thus you can adjust any king of accounting entries from this voucher 

To Create Journal Voucher Go To
Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers >F7: Journal

For example, there may be entries made for interest accrued or interest due. If you have to receive Interest from a party, the same can be entered using Journal Voucher.
  1. Debit the Party
  2. Credit the Interest Receivable Account
The Journal entry is displayed as shown:

Receipt Voucher.

Any money received from debtors against sales Invoices or on Account and for all transactions where money is received are accounted or entered into using the Receipt Voucher.

to create the Receipt Voucher Go to
Gateway of Tally > Accounting Voucher> F6: Receipt Voucher
If Your Company Receive Cash or deposit Directly to the Bank A/c Then the accounting Treatment become like this
Bank/ Cash a/c....Dr
Your Debtor A/c...Cr

In tally if you use the single entry mode then the record like this
Account Feel : Cash or Bank A/c From which your payment is made 
After particular : your Party a/c

in  Double entry mode 
Dr/ / Bank a/c
Cr/ To ..... Your party a/c

Note:By enabling Pre-Allocate Bills for Payment/Receipt
 option in F12: Configure, you can pre-allocate the bills before specifying the Ledger amount. This Configuration enables the user to select the bills first before the total amount can be updated in the amount field.
For Example:
The company pays against the Purchase bills. Here set the option Pre-Allocate Bills for Payment/Receipt as Yes. Now while making the entry immediately after selecting the party the Bill-wise details screen for the party appears.

Payment Voucher

Payment voucher is used to  all the payments made by the company with cash and bank
Payment voucher can be passed using Single Entry or Double Entry mode by configuring the setting Use Single Entry mode for Pymt/Rcpt/Contra in F12 configuration

to create Payment Voucher Go to
Gateway of Tally > Accounting Voucher> F5: payment

If your Company paid cash/ cheque to your party then the Accounting Treatment become like this

Dr......... Your party A/c
Cr......... Cash / Bank A/c

In tally if you use the single entry mode then the record like this
Account Feel : Cash or Bank A/c From which your payment is made 
After particular : your Party a/c

in  Double entry mode 
Cr/ / Bank a/c
Dr/ By ..... Your party a/c

Note:By enabling Pre-Allocate Bills for Payment/Receipt
 option in F12: Configure, you can pre-allocate the bills before specifying the Ledger amount. This Configuration enables the user to select the bills first before the total amount can be updated in the amount field.
For Example:
The company pays against the Purchase bills. Here set the option Pre-Allocate Bills for Payment/Receipt as Yes. Now while making the entry immediately after selecting the party the Bill-wise details screen for the party appears.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Contra Voucher Entry

As per the Accounting Principles, a Contra entry is a transaction involving transfer of cash between one Cash A/c to another or one Cash A/c to another Bank A/c i.e., is a transaction indicating transfer of funds from

To create the contra Voucher Go to
Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > Select F4: Contra

In Single Mode system you can choose the debited a/c in account feel and credited account in after particular
If your were deposit some sum of cash in to ABC bank then Accounting treatment become like this
ABC bank A/c    Dr.
 to Cash A/c

then we should kept ABC Bank Ac in Account feel and cash kept in after particular.

Units of Measure

Crating Units of Measure

Stock Items are mainly purchased and sold on the basis of quantity. The quantity in turn is measured by units. In such cases, it is necessary to create the Unit of Measure. The Units of Measure can either be simple or compound. Examples of simple units are: nos., metres, kilograms, pieces etc.
You can display the existing Units of Measure, since it is only display Tally.ERP 9 does not allow you to alter any information in display mode.
Unit Alteration
Select the Unit of Measure you want to alter from the Units list. The Unit Alteration screen is displayed as shown.
Compound Unit is a relation between two Simple Units. Hence, before you create a Compound Unit, ensure that you have already created two Simple Units.

Stock Goups

Stock Groups in Inventory are similar to Groups in Accounting Masters. They are helpful in the classification of Stock Items.You can group Stock Items under different Stock Groups to reflect their classification based on some common features such as brand name, product type, quality, etc.
Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Info. > Stock Groups > Create
Enter the name of the Stock Group to be created. For example, Grade One.
Enter additional name apart from primary name [if required]. You can create any number of additional names.
Specify whether it is a primary group or a sub-group of another group, by selecting from the list.
Press Alt+C to create a parent group, if you do not have it in the list.
Can quantities of items be ADDED
This field pertains to information on measuring the units of the Stock Items that you would categories under the Stock Group.
The Stock Items categorized under the group should have similar units for them to be added up. You cannot add quantities in Kgs to quantities in Pcs.


You can display the existing Stock Group in Single mode and multiple mode, since it is only display Tally.ERP 9 does not allow you to alter any information in display mode.

This option allows you to view the existing Stock Group in edit mode, here you are allowed to change the various information.

Voucher Creation

 Name of the Voucher you want ot Creat for eg aditional Purchase voucher, LTI sales voucher
 ATI sales voucher etc
 Alternative name of the voucher you are going to create
Type of coucher
 This is the option of the type of voucher like purchase, sales, payment etc. there is predefine
 type of voucher in this case you cant create the type of voucher  you should choose from the list
 of given type
Mether of VoucherNumbering
 There is Four option to choose
 Automatic: From this option numbering of the voucher is goes in automatic system like 1,2,3,4,5
 manual : In this option the you should define the numbering of the voucher in every time you entry the voucher
 Multi- user auto :The Multi-User Auto Voucher Numbering feature in Tally.ERP 9 works effectively in a multi
 user environment where multiple users are working on the company data and recording vouchers.
 None: This will disable numbering of such vouchers.
 If the Method of Voucher Numbering is set to Automatic, then an additional field to set the advanced
 configuration for the Voucher type is displayed
Use Effective dates for vouchers
 you would opt for this if you have instances where a transaction under consideration for
 overdue/ageing analysis is recorded currently but will come into effect from another date
Make Optional as Default
 Setting this option to Yes, will set your Voucher to Optional Voucher by default.
Use common narration
 Select Yes to give a common narration for the entire voucher.
Narrations for each entry
 Select Yes, if you want to give a separate narration for each entry of a voucher
Print after saving voucher
 Select Yes to print every voucher after entering it, else select No
Voucher Classes
 Voucher Classes are used to automate Accounting Allocations in transactions.

 It is a table for predefining the entries to make Invoice entry a simple task

Vouchers in Tally erp 9

At first time  in Tally.ERP 9, there are 18 different pre-defined Voucher types (if Payroll feature is enabled, the number of pre-defined voucher types will be 20). Voucher type pertains to Accounting, Inventory and Payroll. These are used for recording various transactions according to the user needs.
Examples include Cash Payment Vouchers and Bank Payment vouchers where the relevant predefined voucher is Payment Voucher. You may have two or more sets of Sales Vouchers for different kinds of sales transactions e.g. Credit Sales, Cash Sales, etc.

If you want to more voucher than the predefine voucher you can create them by Gateway of tally > Voucher type >create
and if you want to edit or want to ad some more feacher in exsisting voucher you can alter them by 
Gateway of Tally > Voucher types > alter

Accounting Ledgers

Gateway of tally >Accounting Info >ledgers

A Ledger is the actual account head to which you identify a transaction and must be used in
all Accounting Vouchers. Without a ledger we cannot record any transactions.
Ex: Purchase, payments, sales, Receipts, etc, all these accounts heads are ledger Accounts.

a. Create
  The creation of a Ledger depends on the features you have selected under
  F11: Features of your company and F12: Configure. You can create a single ledger
  account with the default options enabled.
 i.Name : name of the ledger you want to create
 ii. alias : alternative name of ledger
 iii. Under : the Group where you want to keep ledger
 iii. Inventory values are affected : Yes if the stock value are affect by the ledger other wise No
 iv mailing detail as you information
 From this option you can view the ledger account of tally
C. Alter

 From this Option you can edit the ledger account which are previously created

Accounts Groups

Gate way of tally> Account info> Group

Here you can see Create, Display, Alter
Groups are collection of Ledgers of the same nature.  Account Groups
are maintained to determine the hierarchy of Ledger Accounts which is
helpful in determining and presenting meaningful and compliant reports.

A. Create
 From this option you can create the any group of ledger for eg Bank, wholesaler
 Branch etc there is some group of ledger are already created in tally erp 9
 i.Name : name of the Group
 ii. alias : alternate name of group
 iii under : the categories where you want to place in
 iv. Group behaves like sub-ledger : This option will allow such Groups to behave
     as defined in the Master to act as equal to the behavior of Ledger.
  v. Nett Debit/Credit Balances for Reporting : Setting this option to Yes will
     display either the net debit or credit balance in the report (whichever is higher).
     If this is set to No, both debit and credit balances will be displayed in the report.
 vi. Used for Calculation (e.g. taxes, discounts): Set this option to Yes if ledgers under
     this group would have percentages for discounts/taxes to be used in invoice entry.
     This gets reflected while passing voucher entry in Invoice mode and for automatic
 vii. Method to allocate when used in purchase invoice : Select the appropriate allocation method
     from the list. This is used to allocate the expense of the Item in the ratio of the
     quantity or value.

B.You can display the Groups in Single mode or Multiple mode, since it is only display
  Tally.ERP 9 does not allow you to alter(edit) any information in display mode.

C. Alter : From this option you can alter the existing Groups

Friday, September 5, 2014

Invoice/ Oder Entry Configuration

Go to Gateway of Tally > F12: Configure > Invoice/Orders Entry
Accept Supplementary Details
Tally.ERP 9 displays an additional screen to feed in the delivery note details, order details, Terms of payment, party address details, etc., after selecting the required Party ledger account.

Allow separate Buyer and Consignee Names
If set to Yes – Tally.ERP 9 provides an option to enter consignee Name and address in the Supplementary details screen.

Allow modification of ALL fields during entry
Default order/delivery note entries appearing in the invoice can be changed during invoice entry. Set this to Yes to permit modification of all fields.

Use Common Ledger A/c for Item Allocation
This automates the updation process of the Sales and Purchase accounts for all the items selected in the invoice. In case this option is Set to No – Tally.ERP 9 prompts for sales or purchase accounting allocations after every item.

Use Defaults for Bill Allocations
In this case, Tally.ERP 9 automatically takes the invoice number as the bill reference name and the credit period given in the Party ledger master as the credit period – both as part of the bill-wise details. This enables faster data entry.
Note: In a purchase invoice, Tally.ERP 9 automatically takes the invoice reference number as Bill reference. If invoice reference number is empty then it will take invoice number as Bill reference.
However, if this option is set to No – Tally.ERP 9 prompts the user for bill-wise details at the end of the entry.

Use Additional Description(s) for Item name
If it is set to Yes – Tally.ERP 9 automatically allows you to specify description for each item selected in the invoice.

Use Additional Descriptions(s) for Ledger name
If it is set to Yes – Tally.ERP 9 automatically allows you to specify the description for each Ledger selected in the Accounting invoice entries.

Note: This options are provided to specify any additional description for sales ledger selected in the Accounting Invoice mode not in the Item invoice mode.
Consolidate Stock Items with same rates

If you want to consolidate the stock items having same rates in Invoice/Challans, set this option to Yes.

Show Compound Unit of Item based on Rate

Show turnover achieved with Customer
If you want to view the turnover achieved till date with a particular customer, set this option to Yes.

Exporter’s Options
Specify Export Shipping Details
If set to Yes, Tally.ERP 9 provides an option to enter export details for the invoice in the Supplementary details screen.
You can enter the following details:
Place of Receipt
Vessel / Flight No. (the transport used to send the goods)
Port of Loading (from where the goods are despatched)
Port of Discharge (where the goods will be finally offloaded)
Country To (to which country the goods are being sent)
Specify Marks & Nos. / Container No.

If set to Yes – Tally.ERP 9 allows you to specify Marks details for every item selected in the invoice.

Specify No. and Kind of packages

If set to Yes – Tally.ERP 9 allows to you to specify Num. Packages for every item selected in the invoice.


Show Compound Unit of Item based on Rate

Click here for details.

Show Full Details of Compound Unit

Click here for details.

Warn on Negative Stock Balance

This is similar to the option available in the Voucher Entry Configuration screen. You can configure Tally.ERP 9 to warn in case the item selected reaches a negative balance.

Honor Expiry Dates usage for Batches

This is similar to the option available in the Voucher Entry Configuration Screen. You can configure Tally.ERP 9 NOT to include expired batches in the list of batches displayed at the time of entry.

Complete Accounting Allocations in Order / Delivery Note

This means that in the Sales / Purchase Order and Delivery / Receipt Note entries, you can allocate a sales / Purchase ledger. This enables faster data entry at the time of entering sales / purchase invoices against the Delivery / Receipt notes.


Calculate Tax on Current Sub-Total

If you add another line, Tax 1%, it will calculate 1% on 3000 (on Total Item value) giving 30 as Tax value. However, if you opt for calculating on the current sub-total, Tax value will be calculated on 2700 [3000-300] giving 27 as Tax value.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Voucher Entry Configuration

Skip date field → write yes its help to fast entry of your voucher because you need not to fixed the date Use single entry mode for Pymt/Rcpt/contra→ if You want to bill style voucher then write yes other wise no Use Payment / Receipt as Contra→ Write No use Cr/Dr→ select as per your need Warn on negative cash balance → write yes pre-allocate bill for payment /receipt/ journal →if you want write yes other wise no (it is the option where you can choose the bill for payment or receipt before typing amount Allow cash Account in Journals→ usually write no Allow Expenses fixed assets in purchase vouchers→ Normally No Allow income Account in Sale voucher→ normally no Show inventory Details → Yes (its help to select the right inventory) Show table of bill details for selection →yes Show bill wise detail →yes expand into multiple lines→ yes show ledger current balance → yes (it helps to know the balance detail) show balances as on voucher date → yes use ref no in stock journal → no show compound unit →no warn on negative stock balance →yes show balances as on Voucher data→ yes show godown wise details→ as per your need show batch wise details → as per your need

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

General Configuration

Gateway of Tally > Configuration (F12) > General Configuration
 1. Use Accounting terminology of .... → Select SAARC if your country lies in SAARC other wise International
 2.Default appearance of Names in Reports → Select the Display style of ledger name in report as your wish
 3.Default appearance of Stock Item Names in Reports → Select the Display style of stock name in report
 4. Style of Short Date → Select the Date format
 5. Separator used in Short Date → select Date separator Symbol
 6.Decimal character use → select decimal character
 7. Thousands Separator user → select or Write coma
 8. put sign before Currency/ unit symbol → if you want write yes unless write No
 9.Show numbers in Million → if you want write yes unless write No

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

F11 Features

Integrate Accounts and Inventory

This option has a significant effect on the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account. If set to Yes, it extracts the stock/inventory balance figures from the inventory records and provides a drill down to the Stock registers from the Balance Sheet.
If set to No, it ignores the inventory books figures and picks up manually entered closing stock balances from the ledger account created. This facilitates the maintaining of  accounts and inventory separately.
Stock records often contain compensating errors caused by wrong allocation to items. This feature enables finalisation of financial books without waiting for the reconciliation of stocks.

Income/Expense Statement Instead of P & L

By Default, this option is set to No.
If set to Yes – Tally.ERP 9 displays Income & Expenses A/c instead of Profit & Loss A/c in the Gateway of Tally.ERP 9 Menu. Income and Expenditure statement generally used for Non-Trading accounts and Profit & Loss a/c are used for trading accounts.

Allow Multi-Currency

By Default, this option is No.
Set this option to Yes, if you want to create multiple currencies and the Menu Currencies is displayed in Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. menu.

Maintain Bill wise Details
The Bill-wise facility is made functional by setting this option to Yes. By activating the Billwise feature,  the ledger masters under Sundry Debtors and Sundry Creditors automatically displays an additional option called Maintain balances bill-by-bill. On setting this option to Yes, an additional option Default Credit Period is displayed.
When you enter details of sales and purchases with the Bill-wise option activated, Tally.ERP 9 prompts you to identify the invoice with an appropriate reference number. The reference can then be used to allocate payments to the correct invoice to maintain an accurate account of outstanding.
(For Non-Trading A/cs also)
If you want to maintain bill wise details for Non-Trading Accounts also, set this option to Yes. Bill wise Details for Non-Trading Accounts is useful in those cases where one needs to track either an installment to be paid or a loan amount to be received over a certain period of time.

Activate Interest calculation

Set this option to Yes to enable Tally.ERP 9 to calculate interest automatically based on the interest rate and style of calculation specified. Enabling this option allows interest calculation on outstanding balances for any ledger account or on each invoice for the period it is outstanding completely or partly.
Use advanced parameters
The advanced parameters are useful when interest rates change from time to time. Set this option to Yes to enable this function.

Maintain Payroll
Set this option to Yes if you want to maintain Payroll information on Tally.ERP 9 for the selected company .

Maintain Cost Centres

A Cost Centre can be defined as a unit of an organization to which transactions can be posted. When only costs or expenses are allocated to these units, they are referred to as Cost Centres. The Cost Centre feature is activated by setting this option to Yes.
Use Cost Center for Job Costing
Set this option to Yes to track all income and expenses for a Job/Project.
More than ONE Payroll/Cost category
Set this option to Yes to create more than one Payroll or Cost Category.
Use Pre-defined Cost Centre Allocations during Entry
Set this option to Yes to define Cost Centre Allocations. Refer Cost Centres and Cost Categories for details.
Show Opening Balance for Revenue Items in Reports
Set this option to Yes to display the opening balance in Cost Centre Report for the cost centres which are allocated to the Ledgers, grouped under Income and Expenses Group.

Allow Invoicing
Set this option to Yes, to create Sales and Purchase vouchers in the invoice format. The advantage of using the invoice format for sales invoice entry is that it enables automatic calculations of Duties and Taxes accounts.
Enter Purchases in Invoice Format
Set this option to Yes, to enable voucher class option in purchase voucher type.

Use Debit/Credit Notes

The Debit Note and Credit Note voucher types are made available only if this feature is set to Yes.
Use Invoice Mode for Credit Notes
Set this option to Yes to create Credit Notes in Invoice Mode.
Use Invoice Mode for Debit Notes
Set this option to Yes to create Debit Notes in Invoice Mode

Maintain Budgets and Controls
Set this option to Yes, to create multiple budgets. The Budgets menu option is displayed in Gateway of Tally > Masters Info. > Accounts Info. menu.

Use Reversing Journals & Optional Vouchers

Setting this option to Yes displays the Scenario option in Accounts Info menu. You will now be able to create and alter Scenarios. You can enter the Reversing Journal and make it Optional, so that  the entries do not to affect the books.

Enable Cheque Printing

Set this option to Yes, to enable Cheque Printing. Refer Cheque Printing for details.
Alter Banking Features
Set this option to Yes to alter features with respect to Banking. Refer Banking Features for details.

Allow Zero Valued Entries in Vouchers

Set this option to Yes, to allow Zero valued entries in vouchers.

Maintain Multiple Mailing Details for Company & Ledgers

Set this option to Yes, to maintain multiple mailing details for your company and ledgers. Refer Multi Address for details.
Set/Alter Company Mailing Details
If this option is set to Yes, Tally.ERP 9 will allow you to alter the Create/Alter Address Types.

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